About Me

Hi, I’m Ming, welcome to A Blinding Light! I’m a blogger and freelance writer. I write about diversity and inclusion accessibility and blindness and visual impairment.

If researching and writing is not your thing, or you simply don’t have the time, I can help. If you partner with me I’ll deliver engaging, original and high quality writing, in line with your objectives. You’ll find I’m friendly, professional and reliable to work with, and that researching and writing is absolutely my thing.

Why D&I and accessibility?

I’m a woman and a mother, I’m British born Chinese and have lived in Europe, Asia and North America. I’m also legally blind. So you see, diversity is a big part of who I am. I have a personal understanding of the impact of diversity and inclusion and a deep appreciation of the power of accessibility. This has driven me to learn more, listen more, read more and write more.

Why visual impairment?

I’ve been visually impaired since birth and became legally blind as an adult. This motivated me to learn all I could about vision loss and how it affects so many people. I wanted to advocate for those people and raise awareness of the issues surrounding blindness and visual impairment. So I started writing about it. I’ve written for the RNIB and I’m a trustee for a wonderful vision loss nonprofit and Chair of their Development Committee.

What is A Blinding Light?

When my first child arrived, I hung up my heels and said a fond farewell to my 12 hour a day corporate job in legal business development. I decided to pursue a path that was meaningful to me. A Blinding Light was born. Starting as a personal blog, it’s now grown into a freelance writing business.

When I’m not writing…

Food, ballet, reading and travelling are amongst my favourite things. My husband and I both love to travel and see life as an adventure. We hope to show our daughters how to appreciate this exciting world, the opportunities it presents and how much they can learn from all the different people in it. Living with sight loss means you never stop learning and I’m learning to cultivate the best life I can for me and my family. I hope that life is one of grace and compassion, with plenty of opportunities for adventure.

Work with me or contact me.

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